My activities in Norway are organized and coordinated by Marta Thorsheim and her Institutt for Traumaarbeid AS.

A good comprehension of my theory and method in English. Marta und Ich


For further informations about the workshops and lectures in Norway and the International trainings contact Marta Thorsheim and have a look at her website in Norwegian and in English.

Interview with Marta Thorsheim (Video)

English speaking events and trainings:

My Books in Norwegian

for order, free shipping:

cover kjaerlighet lyst traume norwegisch

Kjærlighet, lyst & traume.
Pa vei mot en sunn seksuell identitet (2020)
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Hvem er jeg i et Traumatisiert og Traumatiserende samfunn? (2018)
Institutt for Traumearbeid Oslo
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Min Kropp, mitt Traume, mitt Jeg (2018) 
Intensjonkonstellasjoner - veien ut av traumebiografien
Institutt for Traumearbeid Oslo
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Barndomstraumer (2015)
Tidlige traumer fra unnfangelsen, svangerskapet, fødselen og de første årene
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Traumer, frykt og kjaerlighet (2014) 
ISBN 978-82-997656-3-3
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Symbiose og Autonomie (2013)
ISBN 978-82-997656-2-6
Order here... 


Forsta dine sar i sjelen.(2013)
Olso: Flux Forlag
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Psychotrauma and Illnesses PDF-File

Love, Sex, Trauma and I PDF-File

Early Psychotrauma PDF-File

Violent perpetrators - insane, traumatized or symbiotically entangeled? PDF-File

Symbiosis and Autonomy PDF-File

Can Constellations help to heal Trauma? PDF-File

Victims and Perpetrators lecture at the traumekongress in Roa/Oslo PDF-File


Prof. Dr. Franz Ruppert

Englmannstr. 2 (2. OG)
D-81673 München

+49 (0) 170 7348434

For information about my activities in different countries please use the flag menu on top.